
Various projects and thoughts

2021 Diehard Skeleton Crew Shirt

Did you know the NIH’s National Library of Medicine has a fantastic digital collection on their website? The content ranges from early historic medical texts (often with wild illustrations!) to health PSAs from the modern era – all high res and available to download. I’ve been waiting for a good application for the old anatomical illustrations and finally got it this fall.

The 2021 FTWDSC shirt design began with an equilateral triangle for the year of Delta, and a secret society aesthetic with the all-seeing eye and a Skull and Bones vibe flowed nicely from there. Add a splash of gore, and voilà! Ready for the Halloween season!

The skull and femur illustrations were sourced from The Anatomical Atlas, illustrative of the structure of the human body by Henry H. Smith, published in 1844.

The skull and femur illustrations were sourced from The Anatomical Atlas, illustrative of the structure of the human body by Henry H. Smith, published in 1844.

Trish Harris